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New Life Thrift Shop
New Life Thrift Shop is a ministry of Ecumenical Faith in Action. All proceeds from sales at the Thrift Shop are used to support the needs of the food pantry, medical mission and benevolence programs of EFIA.

Food Pantry
See home page for times
**EFIA is an equal opportunity provider**

Advocacy & Referral
Volunteers and staff help people find resources and benefits that are available to them through the process of applying for benefits.

Emergency Financial Assistance
Limited assistance is given to people experiencing financial crisis such as the unexpected loss of employment, sudden illness or death of a family member.

Emergency Medicines
Assists the uninsured to get access to medicine in emergency situations.

Crossroads Medical Mission
A team of volunteer nurses and physicians provide quality care to the uninsured or underinsured. A fully equipped mobile medical mission van sets up at Faith in Action the 1st, 3rd and 4th Tuesday of each month.
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